Expert Witness
One of our main missions is to maintain excellent relationships with all of our clients through superior work products combined with outstanding project progress and first in class customer service.
Legal Expert Responsibilities:
Case review, literature review for chemical/drug related litigation and malpractice
opinion report on causation or relationship between effect and agent,
deposition analysis for opposing opinions
depositions and testimony
Cases to date:
Emma Dale Parker, as mother of Kambre Elaine Kelly, deceased vs. Wyeth f/k/a Whitehall-Robins Healthcare, Pfizer, Inc., Warner-Lambert Consumer Group, Novartis Consumer Group, Inc. Civil Action No. in Western District of Washington: CV-03-0849. Opinion on phenylpropanolamine (PPA) litigation and deposition 3-29-06
Brumfield vs. Wyeth et al. opinion PPA litigation and deposition
Cage vs. Wyeth et al. opinion PPA litigation
Evans vs. Wyeth et al. opinion PPA litigation
Specht vs. Bayer Corp. et al. recommended not to proceed with PPA litigation
Joseph Charles v. Bayer Corporation, et al. USDC, WDWA, Civil Action No. 02-CV-2148. Opinion PPA litigation and deposition 9-25-2006
Wynn vs. Wyeth et al opinion PPA litigation
Baltizar Death, Medical Malpractice. Recommended not to proceed.
Mark Russell vs. Associated Pharmacy. Certificate of Merit for case, expert report.
Miller vs. American Optical Corporation, et al. Opinion on multiple industrial chemical and dust exposures resulting in lung conditions leading to death.
McCune v. Fallsburg Gas, et al. Affidavit for Summary Judgement Hearing. September 2007
Mark Russell vs. Associated Pharmacy. Opinion on lithium drug interaction resulting in toxicity
Evans vs. Fleet, MD. Medical Malpractice opinion on desipramine drug levels in a fatal medical case. Civil Action No. CV-03-2863.
Prasad vs. Las Vegas PD, et al. Causation opinion on medical conditions resultant from acute high dose exposure to tear gas. Prepared for Thomas Christensen of Christensen Law Offices, LLC. December, 2013.
James S. Wilkinson, Jr and Melissa W. Vancil vs. Virk MD, Southern Medical Partners, Sample DO, Bell MD, Jackson Montgomery Emergency Physicians, Jackson Montgomery Hospitalists and Jackson Hospital & Clinic, et al. Medical Malpractice opinion and deposition on lovenox drug levels in a fatal medical case. CV-14-901851.
Thompson vs. State Farm, claim no: 06-2X46-883 (2016-08957-CO). Opinion on opioid abuse in a wrongful death case.
Leslie Coy v. Metro Football Stadium District, et. al. Denver County, Colorado District Court 2017CV33936. Consulting for toxicology rebuttal in wrongful death. Opinion and deposition.
- Lori Whalen v. State of Colorado felony child abuse case. Consulting for toxicology aspects of drug testing.
- McDonald v. 9900 Culver Blvd 3A. Exposure to high carbon dioxide levels in apartment leading to adverse health effects in children. June 2020. Expert report issued.
- Faizan Ahmad v. Dr. Yasir Anwar. Medical Malpractice defense opinion on diazepam drug levels not the cause of death in a fatal medical case. Expert report issued. July 2020.
- Charles Holmes v. State of Arizona. Methamphetamine in hair positive drug test defense case. Consult.
- Barbara Tate Wrongful Death Case for Stephen Tate. Employee with chronic exposure to PCBs resulting in liver cancer. Sept 2020. Expert report issued.
- Joeail Williams vs. Seattle Fish Company & Mario Munoz. Motor Vehicle Accident. Defendant tested positive in an opioid drug screen. Opinion. Oct. 2020. Expert report issued.
- Abram Russo Sick Building Case from Sewer backup. Bacterial & Fungal based health risk opinion. Nov 2020. Expert report issued.
- Susan Cespedes/Armor Heath. Toxicology review of all case materials for attorneys. June 2021.
- Park v Fresh Start. Toxicology defense opinion for pesticide effects in utero resulting in death of infant. Toxicology review of all case materials for attorneys. Settled prior to opinion report being issued. April 2022.
- Hammond v Hammond. Toxicology for drug testing in hair and fingernails for amphetamine and methamphetamine. Testimony at a process hearing March 2022.
- Serafini v Curry. Toxicology review of all case materials for attorneys. April 2022.
- Aves Lawes v Amfoods, LLC. Case material review and toxicology opinion. April 2022.
- Melissa Emery Case. Toxicology review of positive drug test and opinion on blood levels v. prescribed levels. July 2022.
- Stokanic v Myers Case. Testimony regarding positive drug test results for cocaine and amphetamines in a family custody case. July 2022.
- Janie Blount Case. Toxicology report on child drug test in hair positive for methamphetamine. Opinion on environmental exposure.
- Retained by Clint Brasher, Brasher LawHardy Dyson Life Insurance Payment Denial. Opinion on why post-mortem BAC was inaccurate for contesting denial of life insurance payment. May 2023.
- Retained by Riley Scott, Burnham Law: Supervised parenting time for ex-husband of Jamie opinion due to abuse of nitrous oxide. Testified remotely at emergency custody hearing June 1, 2023.
- Pace vs. CSAA Insurance. Retained by Katie Goodrich for risk assessment of fire and water damaged home following the Marshall fire in Superior, CO.
- Fisher vs. Pensky truck. Retained by Charles Hamilton. Opinion on causation for carbon monoxide poisoning.
◦ Matt Sautter DUI Drugs case with public defender. 10/15/23 opinion on drug-drug interactions.
- Sara Mahle v Insurance. Retained by Katie Goodrich for risk assessment of fire and water damaged home following the Marshall fire in Superior, CO.
- Champlin vs. Nationwide Insurance. Retained by Katie Goodrich for risk assessment of contractor damaged home following asbestos exposure in Aurora, CO.
- Lewis vs. State Farm. Retained by MerlinLawGroup for risk assessment of fire and water damaged home following the Marshall fire in Superior, CO.
- Craig & Lizanne Tessem v. Safeco. Retained by Jason Johnson for risk assessment of fire and water damaged home following a fire in Ridgeway, CO.
- Lenard Smith v. Insurance Co. Retained by homeowner for risk assessment of fire and water damaged home following a fire in Erie, CO.
- Antonio v Darling. Retained by Sutton-Booker for defense in a civil suit wrongful death of their 5-year-old in a house fire. Mother’s capacity to care at issue due to drugs and alcohol.
- Kaisha Williams v. Insurance Co. Retained by Attorney James Anderson for post-fire risk assessment in Lakewood, CO.
- Liz & Cole Morrison v. Insurance Co. Retained by Attorney James Anderson for post-fire risk assessment in Louisville, CO.